Stokkies AKA Snapsticks are biltong snacks for those busy folks who appreciate an ingestion of protein to keep them going. These delightful cured beef treats are made to South African recipes and contain our secret spice blend. Our more than two decades of culinary experience in the creation of these yummy stokkies will have you wanting more. Stokkies, snapsticks: A dried beef snack of protein full of flavour and energy. You can get them made with chilli, chakalaka, BBQ, Jack Daniels, and traditional spicing. Biltong snapsticks go down very well with beer and wine too. These low-fat beauties are a healthy snack for those who love to chew things over.
Little Sticks of Dried Biltong Beef
Stokkies means “little sticks” and are made from thin strips of beef biltong. Their chewy consistency is perfect for snacking whilst on the run or in front of the TV at home. Watching the Springboks beating the Wallabies with a stokkie in hand is what I call good living. Munching on these moreish morsels of mouth watering spiced dried beef makes life worth living. They are one of the reasons why we saffers always have a special smile denoting a deep contentment. Stokkies, snapstiicks: A dried beef snack of protein, which is ideal for sports, rest and play.
A Slow Release High Protein Snack
In my own experience, I find stokkies the perfect snack on the golf course to keep me performing over four hours. You want a slow release high protein snack that doesn’t weigh you down during digestion. High energy foods can assist you in making those booming drives and clutch putts coming down the stretch. Biltong snapsticks are ideal for sports of all sorts. Cricketers and footballers carry them in unsuspected spots on their persons during matches. Umpires have been known to spit out the whistle and insert a stokkie during a well-earned break from play.
South Africa’s finest dried biltong is available in Sydney and right around Australia online. You may discover that a snapstick is the advantage that gets you over the line in your sport of choice. Whether you are snacking on a stokkie at home or out at play the delicious chewy flavours will pique your interest. You may store your stokkie in a boot or below the belt on field, but we guarantee the oral experience will stimulate your best. Will your stokkie be chilli, BBQ, chakalaka, Jack Daniels or traditional?
Little Sticks of Dried Biltong Beef
Stokkies means “little sticks” and are made from thin strips of beef biltong. Their chewy consistency is perfect for snacking whilst on the run or in front of the TV at home. Watching the Springboks beating the Wallabies with a stokkie in hand is what I call good living. Munching on these moreish morsels of mouth watering spiced dried beef makes life worth living. They are one of the reasons why we saffers always have a special smile denoting a deep contentment. Stokkies, snapstiicks: A dried beef snack of protein, which is ideal for sports, rest and play.
A Slow Release High Protein Snack
In my own experience, I find stokkies the perfect snack on the golf course to keep me performing over four hours. You want a slow release high protein snack that doesn’t weigh you down during digestion. High energy foods can assist you in making those booming drives and clutch putts coming down the stretch. Biltong snapsticks are ideal for sports of all sorts. Cricketers and footballers carry them in unsuspected spots on their persons during matches. Umpires have been known to spit out the whistle and insert a stokkie during a well-earned break from play.
South Africa’s finest dried biltong is available in Sydney and right around Australia online. You may discover that a snapstick is the advantage that gets you over the line in your sport of choice. Whether you are snacking on a stokkie at home or out at play the delicious chewy flavours will pique your interest. You may store your stokkie in a boot or below the belt on field, but we guarantee the oral experience will stimulate your best. Will your stokkie be chilli, BBQ, chakalaka, Jack Daniels or traditional?